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Philosophical >> Sri Radha Pancasati

Sri Radha Pancasati

Rasik Vihari Joshi

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Published Year : 2012
Pages :567
Cover : Hard
Book Id : 11637
Isbn :

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Rasik Vihari Joshi

The Radhapancasati, comprising of five hundred elelven (511) elegant Sanskrit Verses alongwih Hindi translation, is a commendable contribution to Sanskrit literature. This devotional Kavya written on the lines of Sankaracharya, Vedanta-desika and Lilasuka is full of devotional dervour. Written in classical ornate style of Sanskrit poetry, it visualizes the views points of devotional and meditational impulse about Radha, the identical sakti of Bhagavan Srikrsna. The lucidity of language, captivating melody, loftiness of new ideas and musical resonance of classical meters such as Sardulavikridita, Sragdhara, Vasantatilaka, Drutavilambita, Bhujangaprayata, Sikharini, Malini and Totaka etc. leave an indeliable impression on the reader. The greatness of Kavya consists in poet's untiring insistence that the absolute is mysteriously known though boundless grace. There are numerous places of poetic images which serve as centres of meditation. Devotion, meditation, detachment and divine sports are the major keys to open the gates of samadhi and grace. The Radhapancasati ranks as the best devotional poetry in Sanskrit literature.

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