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A compilation of Essays
In the labyrinth of our daily lives, we often stumble upon unexpected and fascinating stories, like an unpolished gem waiting to be discovered. The essays and opinions compiled in this book have emerged from such chance encounters in my life, from the ordinary yet intriguing moments that make up the tapestry of our existence. They are a nod to the quirkiness and unvarnished truth of the tales within, each of which reflects the bizarre and sometimes inexplicable facets of human behaviour.
As a young girl, the lessons at school were interspersed with the tales that I read in magazines and the Sunday editions of newspapers trapezing their way into our Kolkata flat. New worlds were discovered in crisp magazine pages and yellowing newspapers. For me, the news items were stories of human grit, suffering, and joy. They became my dreams and sometimes nightmares as well. Later, while doing my doctorate, I developed a deep interest in storytelling for impact and started searching for a platform where such expressions found resonance. Then, The Free Press Journal publication happened, followed by The Hindu, Krishi Jagran, Dainik Jagran, and a few more. This compilation tries to bind together the opinions scattered here and there to be readily available for scrutiny and study. You may like or dislike them, but I hope you will not ignore them.
The essay "Spit and Unpolish" might seem curious at first glance, but it encapsulates the essence of this collection. The journey begins with a reflection on the peculiar habit of spitting, a practice deeply rooted in cultural traditions and yet often misunderstood and maligned. The deeper we delve, the more we respond to the historical, symbolic, and even therapeutic aspects of spitting.
Then there is this desperate dive into the murky world of electric power transformers in "A Sudden Shock," where the hopelessness of hidden dangers lurking within the mundane structures dotting our urban landscapes become prominent, a reminder of the unforeseen and tragic consequences that can arise from our negligence.
My childhood memories were revisited in "A Sustainable World," where I could rejoice in the simpler, more sustainable way of life in Bhadrapur, Nepal. This was one place, the bygone era, when resources were cherished, and life was in harmony with nature. A gentle reminder that sustainability is not a new concept but a timeless philosophy that can be applied in our modern world.
"Being Special" happened when I was in High School and is a journey into the world of a particular school and the valuable lessons learned from the children it serves. My encounter with a young girl with autism established the power of compassion and the beauty of genuine connections.
"The Memory Keeper" essay sprung up suddenly when I started searching for a specific silver coin gifted by my father in the hope of compiling an album of all the memories of love. I looked like a bystander in the past, rejoicing in the tender relationship between a father and daughter forged through a shared passion for collecting old coins.
The "Roller Coaster of a Life" was unplanned. It made its way on its own. The immediate cause was the professional and career choices that suddenly pushed me onto a roller coaster ride. How often we are forced to ponder on the choices we make in life, often between the outer world's demands and our inner desires !
"The Green Enthusiasts" is a compassionate tale of how nature provided solace during disastrous times. Nurseries sprung up, balconies danced in vibrant shades and fragrances, and life was hugged dearly during the COVID-19 pandemic. Added to this was my exposure to the realm of Agricultural Sciences at RLBCAU, Jhansi, where all my sensibilities and sensitivities got pulled in. I enthusiastically penned the stories of individuals who discovered newfound joy and purpose in tending to plants, emphasizing the healing power of nature.
"The Balloon Seller" taught me about valuing simple but extraordinarily meaningful acts of kindness in the human world, often coming from seemingly ordinary people.
In the realm of life, stories often unfold in unexpected places and unassuming moments, "Cut The Mustard" originates in a serendipitous encounter with a tiny mustard plant, an unassuming survivor amidst the concrete jungle. With its defiant and lively spirit, this mustard plant catalyzed introspection. Life's most profound lessons often come from unexpected sources.
In the following pages, diverse narratives shed light on different facets of human experiences, from the inspiring story of a young mother's fight for justice to the poignant reflection on the stark realities of hunger and the resilience of those who face it daily. This compilation is also about the lives of people who have encountered adversity with courage and hope. Within the narratives, I have attempted to share transformative tales of those who challenged societal norms, confronted prejudices, and called out for greater compassion and understanding.
In all, this compilation opens up my heart before you, the readers. I hope to find a way into your hearts and minds.
Happy reading,
- Author